Wednesday, 7 April 2010

finding a pic...

Just uploaded a profile photo. It was quite difficult to choose one. I could have found taken some work based photos with the two of us giving cheesy smiles besides the press or a computer but no-one really wants to look at those. So then I started looking back at holiday shots but they don't seem quite right either. In fact we don't seem to have many of the two of us taken together and most of the ones I did find, I look horrible and Fay looks good. I finally spotted one in which I don't look like a character from Wayne's World but it isn't one of Fay's best. I'm hoping she never finds out I've used it but if the photo suddenly disappears and another one appears with Fay looking nice and me in bandages, then you'll know what's happened.

Lighthouse are nice and busy at the moment so I'd better get back to the white hot frontier of print-production........

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